Hi! I'm a Latter-Day-Saint (Mormon)...but I'm definitely not typical...

Sunday, May 5

I am still beautiful

This is a hard one...I have battled with myself on how to express what has happened without bringing in a few details....but there was no way for me to say what has happened without at least a few things which may be revealing to certain people who may read this. No matter what, everything is a learning experience...I only hope that one day hearts can be fully mended, not only by the Savior but  by kind words and deeds as well.

Alot has happened since my last post.
Not alot of great things.
Learning experiences though.
That I am trying to figure out.
My heart is a precious thing, and I need to only allow it to be treated with tender care. I have been told that any man would be lucky to be with me, and I just need to remember this...

So, for now...these are the lessons that I have learned...
--Follow the spirit.
--Honesty and integrity matter more than anything else...besides...honesty is a commandment, right? :) Intergrity=doing what is right when no one is looking...this is the definition I tell children and it is the best, I think!
--We choose who we love...it doesn't happen to us...we make that conscious choice - to put in the effort and make it worth it.
--I need to think twice before sharing my heart so quickly.

That being said...

There is SO much on the horizon!! I am graduating in a few weeks...ah!! On the 18th of May to be exact :) Grades haven't been fantastic this semester, as "senioritis" has played a big role in this last semester, and sadly been one of my closest friends. I will be definitely be getting one C this semester.

Here is my list of things to do this Summer! (Spiritual first :)
--Attend the temple more often
--Fulfill my calling better with the extra time I will have on my hands!
--Keep reading the Book of Mormon and add a church book/manual to my studies/reading as well.
--Pay more full attention to the children I nanny and less to technology.
--Book a few princess parties :) (I LOVE being a princess!!...too bad I am 2 inches too tall to be a Disney princess at either of the Disney parks...yes...I recently checked that :)
--Mtn Bike! I re-tore my ACL so I need to do sports which are low impact like biking and swimming.
--Spend alot of time outside with children! Play games and have fun :-)
--Have fun with friends.
--Don't sweat the small stuff.

John 14:27 - Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

I am eternally grateful for my Savior and for His tender care. He continually wraps me in the arms of his love. I will ever be grateful for my life and the blessings which I receive. I will constantly strive to improve and learn from others.

ps I am so tired, I keep nodding off while writing this...so if it doesn't make any sense or is out of character for me to speak about...let me know!

You are all absolutely amazing.

I love you,
